Pragmatic Panda

Rollee Pollee had an easy life, spending most of his time eating tender stems, shoots and leaves of bamboo and he was always well fed.  Rollee did not seem to mind being in a zoo instead of the bamboo forest where he was born.  He would always take a long nap after ever meal, but when he was awake, he was known to muddle around and he was not very tidy.  He was adroit at climbing, but he always moved at his own pace and it never seemed like he was making any progress.  Seeing a vulture land near his crib was very annoying, so he made a bleat sound like a goat to call attention to this potential problem.  It was getting close to mating season and that being only a few months long, he did not want to miss out on any of the action.

Written for Sheryl’s Daily Word Prompt – Adroit, for the Daily Spur prompt – Seeing, for FOWC with Fandango – Progress, for February Writing Prompts – The bamboo forest, for Ragtag Community – Annoying, for Di’s Three Things Challenge prompt words – Muddle Crib Tidy and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Vulture.

7 thoughts on “Pragmatic Panda

    1. Thanks Irene. I tried to write it so the Panda was dealing with his issues in a sensibly and realistic way based on practical rather than theoretical considerations and he knew that besides eating and sleeping that mating was the next most important thing to him.

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