They Let You Know

Um… that constant beep, beep, beeping is driving all the cats crazy, as when the batteries in the smoke detectors get low enough, they demand to be changed.  I don’t like being told what to do and this becomes even worse when a machine starts dictating things like “turn left at the next corner” to me, although I understand that this is being done in a judicious manner.  I like to think of myself as an open minded person that can be persuaded by logic and I know that “to err is human”, but I feel that machines can also make mistakes, because they are programmed by humans.  Let me clarify this a bit, machines only process information that they have the ability to decipher, so if the road ahead is closed and my navigation system tells me to “turn left at the next corner”, I will need to use my better judgment and not rely on tunnel vision.

It has been steaming hot since Dorian passed by and I am looking forward to some cool weather which should eventually arrive.  I am honored today as Irene from My Slice of Mexico dedicated her latest post to me, because I don’t like onions.  I don’t have anything planned for dinner yet, but my food desires are now leaning toward Mexican. I was thinking about putting on my traditional Buddhist meditation monk robe, which you might call a gown and then practice some Zen enlightenment through meditation, if I am lucky enough to find some mythical moonbows.  The gown actually belongs to my brother and it is only a lender, as I have to return it.  I am going to end this post with the most ameliorate (make something that is bad or unsatisfactory better) song ever written and I hope that you enjoy it.

Written for Sheryl’s Daily Word Prompt – Clarify, for Roger Shipp’s Daily Addictions prompt – Bit, for the Daily Spur prompt – Being, for FOWC with Fandango – Judicious, for Melodye Shore September show-and-tell – Cool Weather, for August Monthly Writing Prompts – Mythical moonbows, for Ragtag Community – Ameliorate, for Sara’s Closet Full Of Notebooks Prompt – Food Desires, for Paula’s Three Things Challenge prompt words – Lender Gown Tunnel, for Rachel Poli I Read I Write I Create – Time To Write – Sentence Starter – Um… and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Zen.

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