Bad Luck Seems To Follow Me

I feel trapped inside, I tried denying it, crying out in defiance, however I just don’t know how to resolve this dilemma, so I am making a desperate plea that someone will release me from my burden and any day now, any day now I hope to be released.  With the way my luck is going, something worse will happen to me just to augment my troubles.  I know that this is redolent of Murphy’ Law, “Anything that can go wrong will go wrong”, but I was born under a bad sign and if it wasn’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.  I was born on ‘March 3, 1978’ which is the same day that Murphy’ Law was invented, so it is only appropriate for things to go wrong in any given situation of my life, if I give it enough of a chance to do that.  It is like my brain is constantly receiving a subliminal message telling me to avoid any action because whatever I do, the outcome will be unacceptable.  What can I say, it is likely that my universal aptitude for abundant ineptitude makes it impossible for me to accomplish anything.

Can I get a hooyah, you know that ‘Heard Understood Acknowledged’ United States Navy word which is used to build morale and signify verbal acknowledgment and which is also comparable to oorah in the United States Marine Corps and hooah in the United States Army and the Air Force.  Maybe I need to take that ‘hell yea’ attitude that failure is not an option to be able to do anything successful in my life.  If I must succeed all the time, then that will prevent me from taking any risks or trying anything new, and I will always have to play things safe, but that is not who I am.  I admire people who go against the flow and those who remain loyal to their own principles.

Maybe things will change now that I saw her standing there, she was just seventeen, you know what I mean, the way she looked was way beyond compare.  She was wearing a Rolling Stones tee shirt that looked to be vintage 1969.  She was a black magic woman that had me so blind I could not see.  She was magic and she’s trying to make a devil out of me.  Her lovely face in my fireplace was all that I saw, but now it won’t draw, because my flue has a flaw.

Written for Daily Addictions prompt – Augment, for FOWC with Fandango – Mean, for July Writing Prompts – She was magic, for Sheryl’s A New Daily Post Word Prompt – Redolent, for Ragtag Community – Hooyah and Vintage, for Scotts Daily Prompt – Release, for Teresa’s Haunted Wordsmith Three Things Challenge, with prompts – admire, loyal and fireplace, for Weekly Prompts Your Second Chance to be Creative prompt – subliminal and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Abundant.

10 thoughts on “Bad Luck Seems To Follow Me

  1. Considering myself as an avid reader of your blog right from its infancy, just like that of Sensei, I can safely assume that you’re an optimist, and that you make, and infact made your own luck. Great post, Jim

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