My First Sale

I answered an add in the paper that indicated they were offering a comprehensive training program in vendition, which I had no idea what the hell that was about, but as my unemployment checks were dwindling down, I needed a job.  They responded to my resume by calling me up and telling me to report to this address downtown tomorrow morning and they asked me to report wearing professional attire.  I arrived on time and found out that I would be working as an Electrolux vacuum cleaner salesperson.

I met the boss and the other sales people and I found out that I would only be making $20 a day plus commissions, which might be hard to come by for a newcomer.  They showed me how to demonstrate the vacuum’s capabilities, incase a potential customer was interested in purchasing one.  The morning pep rally was held to inspire everyone to have a successful day and then we all went off to canvas a neighborhood.  We left as a group traveling in different cars and I was told to ring doorbells and give them my sales pitch.

The first doorbell that I rang was answered by a housewife who told me that she already had an Electrolux vacuum, but she was running low on bags and she asked me if I had any.  I told her that my boss was just down the street and that he did have vacuums in the trunk of his car and perhaps he also had some bags.  She told me to go check and when I caught up to my boss, he told me that I just made my first vacuum cleaner sale.  I told him that the lady didn’t need a vacuum cleaner, as her old Electrolux was working fine and all she wanted was bags.

He told me that I had broken the strongest link just by getting my foot in the door and the rest was easy.  He grabbed the other guys and we all went back to her house and I carried a new vacuum cleaner with me.  She saw me carrying a vacuum and not the bags that she asked for and she was reluctant to open up the door for us.  My boss told the lady the he knew she wanted bags and that he could order them for her and that they would be free treat, if she let me put on a demonstration, as this was my first day on the job.

My boss handed her some paperwork to fill out for her free bags and all the guys sat on couches in her living room while I plugged the machine in.  My boss told everyone to be quiet so this handsome young man could show how well the new machine worked.  He showed her that the bag was completely empty and asked her when she last vacuumed the room.  She said that she just vacuumed two days ago and she was adamant that no dirt would be found inside of her house.  My boss stuck a piece of tape on the floor to show her the power of this new vacuum and he said that her current Electrolux could probably not do that.

I finished going over the carpet in her room and she was surprised to find all the dirt that the new machine had picked up.  My boss told her that she should get a new vacuum and that he could give her a great deal on the trade in of her old unit.  She went for it like a speeding bullet, smiling from ear to ear at the good deal that she just got.  It was a spiritual event for me, but sadly I never made another sale and I realized that I was not cut out for this.

Written for Sheryl’s Daily Word Prompt – Vendition, for Roger Shipp’s Daily Addictions prompt – Treat, for the Daily Spur prompt – Bullet, for FOWC with Fandango – Tape, for December Writing Prompts – The strongest link, for Ragtag Community – Spiritual and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Handsome.

8 thoughts on “My First Sale

  1. I can’t even give things away. Yesterday one of my salesman friends laughed at me because I was trying to give away a cute kitty Christmas sweater and called it “the itchy sweater”… then wondered why no one would take it! 😂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It almost sounds like that first sale was a setup. Your boss had it planned out to take you to a neighborhood where his “plant” lived and when one of you hit her house, the plan went into action. Maybe I’m just paranoid 😉 I do remember how pushy those Kirby salesmen were and my mom bought one and loved it.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Very cool first day, even if it didn’t work out. I think you have to have a certain personality for sales which obviously your boss did. I’m glad it went well for you, though. That must have been a very pleasant surprise. Thanks for posting!

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