Response From Helen

The other day Peter asked me if I had heard from Helen and I told him that I hadn’t, but his inquiry gave me an incentive to write to her.  Helen wrote back and said, “Things are pretty much the same, to be honest. I have more doctors appointments lined up and no answers. Some days are ok and some are just bad. I was going to reach out to you soon to tell you that I’m not going to take the hosting of SLS back. If I do return to blogging, I’d like to be more focused on writing. You are welcome to take it and make it yours.”  Helen went on to say, “I feel like SLS became a community, so it’s no longer really ‘mine’ if that makes sense.”  Song Lyric Sunday does not belong to me either, but I will continuing hosting this challenge, because I am enjoying it.  If being the host of this music challenge ever becomes overwhelming for me, I will make sure that a responsible person takes over before I resign.  Music is in the air, lighting up our hearts and filling our dreams as an art form made up of sounds and silence.

The prompt for this week is “Occupation”, which would include many jobs like being an accountant, actor, acupuncturist all the way through being an undertaker, veterinarian and window cleaner.  I am sure that there is a song out there for everyone.  I hope that everyone will contribute a song today and please be patient again, as I will do my best to approve your pingbacks ASAP.

Here are the “rules”:

  • Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it fits the theme or not.
  • Please try to include the songwriter(s) – it’s a good idea to give credit where credit is due.
  • Make sure you also credit the singer/band and if you desire you can provide a link to where you found the lyrics.
  • Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song.
  • Ping back to this post will eventually work, as long as you are being patient.
  • Read at least one other person’s blog, so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process.
  • Feel free to suggest future prompts.
  • Have fun and enjoy the music.

I am writing about a teacher who lusts after one of his students in the song ‘Don’t Stand So Close To Me’ by the Police this week.  The upcoming prompts will be:

March 10, 2019 – Animal
March 17, 2019 – School/Books/Learning
March 24, 2019 – Minutes/Hours/Days/Weeks/Months
March 31, 2019 – Record/Juke Box/DJ/Radio

45 thoughts on “Response From Helen

  1. Thanks for continuing the challenge, Jim. I really look forward to it each week. I hope Helen feels better soon and returns to WP and writing.

    I love the song you chose!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Jim – Monday’s Music Moves Me is a weekly prompt musical hop, much like Song Lyric Sunday. It’s hosted by Marie (Xmas Dolly) and Cathy (Curious as a Cathy). – Each month they have a ‘guest conductor’ who chooses the themes for the month, with every other week being a ‘Free Choice’ week. You can find a list of upcoming themes on either Marie’s or Cathy’s pages Some people only post one song, but it seems most of us are posting multiple songs in either playlist or individual video. Here’s a link to my post from last week, You should join us! You’ll see some familiar faces there 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

  2. Hey Jim

    You are doing a great job of looking after SLS. It must take a lot of thought and I read recently you were even getting up during the night to accept pingbacks! It is really kind of you to host it.

    Helen had such a wonderful idea when she created SLS, I am not surprised that it attracted so many regular bloggers. It is so much fun to be a part of. We all worry about Helen and hope so much her health improves and she can enjoy her writing. It would be lovely to see her posts again. But she clearly needed to take a break and she made a wise decision.

    Thanks for the extra notice with the themes. It is helpful, although I keep changing my mind on my song choice. Still i did have fun with the one I eventually stuck with this week:

    Liked by 5 people

    1. I should be thanking you for being my incentive to write to Helen. I knew that she wanted rest by the way she left and I did not want to disturb her, but Helen is such a nice lady and everyone seems to care so much about her, I am glad that she is loved so much by all the bloggers that she brought together through our love of music.

      Liked by 3 people

  3. Sending prayers and best wishes to Helen and appreciate all her time and efforts for SLS, and many thanks to you, Jim, for your commitment to the weekly post and the SLS community. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  4. So glad you have been in contact with Helen, as I’d been wondering how she was doing. Wishing her many more of the good days than not.
    And Helen…thank you again for starting this wonderful challenge. Best wishes!
    Jim…you’re doing great as host…thank you for keeping it going.
    Here’s my entry for today’s SLS:

    Liked by 1 person

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