What A Card

Without further ado, let’s get this post started, as it was written in the cards. Wouldn’t that be nice, if the cards could write my posts for me?  I deal them out and they tell me what to write about.  I guess there is something called fate, but I don’t believe in astrology, tarot cards or even in magic.  I think that everyone has a fate that determines how their life will turn out, but I also believe that people have the power to change and make their own fate.  If I eat eggs and have coffee for breakfast, my fate will be a trip to the bathroom, but I wonder if fate has a deeper meaning.  If I accidently step on a dog’s tail, my fate might be getting bit by that dog.

I play Freecell on a daily basis and I win quite often.  I used to play cards, poker, Acey Deucey, Blackjack and even Indian Head.  I had some good nights and some bad.  My friends were gamblers, we basically would bet on anything including sports and games like chess.  I never played strip poker with more than one person, so that was more like foreplay.  I would often bet when I went bowling, played golf or was shooting pool.  I was never any good at golf, so I always got strokes.  I was decent at pool and I owned my own pool stick.  One of my friends who was actually a bookie had a bad problem with gambling, so he went to a Gamblers Anonymous meeting where somebody picked his pocket and stole his wallet and that was the end of his seeking help for this issue.

I was a card in High School, doing whatever I could to try and make others laugh. I knew a guy that was on the committee that counted the votes for class superlatives and he told me that I came in second place for Class Clown and he also told me that he voted for me.  Looking back this is probably not the way someone should try and distinguish them self, but I was just a goofy kid.  In High School I got involved with the Senior Play which was ‘Up The Down Staircase’, a comedy about High School.  I got the part of being the class clown in the play.

Written for 10/6/18 Linda G. Hill’s ‘Life in progress’ Stream of Consciousness Saturday where the prompt is “card”.



12 thoughts on “What A Card

  1. Love the photograph and use of the word “card” in describing yourself. I also used to play Freecell, Hearts and Spider Solitaire on a daily basis – I still have the full set of Microsoft games on my pc but have moved on to Candy Crush 😜

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