Kiss and Tell

I learned to never reveal intimate secrets about any sexual relationships only after I lost someone by doing just that.  They say that a gentleman never tells, that he should be classy displaying integrity even when he is ‘getting some strange’, but guys do talk, although maybe not as much as women do.  Many guys like to show off after they just nailed some chick and this probably stems from the fact that most single guys have a hard time getting laid, so this makes them announce that they sealed the deal and got to home base.  Sharing your romantic exploits, revealing intimate, personal, private or confidential details, after recounting in your head and then giving your friends a firsthand description about a sexual encounter often crosses the line, as certain things are best kept between you and the person that you slept with.

I split up with my wife and got divorced and had my own apartment where I lived with my dog.  Anyway I went online to try and meet some women and I often chatted on Yahoo Messenger which was sort of working, but the problem was that the ones that I met were distant, usually living in Nigeria or Ghana.  I was single, but I was not savvy, but after a while I developed an aptitude for meeting girls and I became good at chatting.  One day I met this lady whose screen name was Peachy kisses Delicate and she said that she lived in my town and we hit it off right away.  She told me that her name was Eleanor and the communication that we shared was always on the intimate side.  She said that she had a cat and things would never work out for us because I was a dog person and then she mentioned that was married and that she just caught her husband cheating on her and she wanted to have an affair to get even, so this was never going to be about love and I was OK with that.

We made arrangements to meet at Walmart and see how it goes and take it from there, but the day before we were supposed to meet, she contacted me and told me that she had second thoughts and that she was trying to make things up with her husband.  I told her that I understood and I wished her the best of luck resolving things.  She said that she felt bad for me and she mentioned that she had this girlfriend named Susan, who was divorced and who said that she had not been with a man in the two years since and she said that she would talk to her about me.  I told her that was fine, and I actually felt that I would have a better time being with a divorced woman instead of a married one that was seeking revenge.

I heard back from Eleanor and she said that she told Susan about me and that she was interested in meeting me.  She sent me a picture of Susan and she was a real babe and I began to think that there was harmony in the universe.  Eleanor said, “I bet that you will have a great time, because I heard that she swallows.”  This seemed a bit strange, but I had no idea what girls talked about with each other and how graphic they got with certain details.  I told Eleanor that would be great as my ex wife never did that.  She gave me Susan’s email address and her phone number and I called her and asked her if she would like to go out to dinner with me.

I picked her up on Saturday night and we had a nice dinner and then we went back to my place to watch some TV.  Things got romantic and when we were both heated up we went into my bedroom where I gave her a back rub.  Things progressed and I had a fantastic evening and then I took Susan back to her place and I told her that I would call her so we could do it again, as she seemed to have as good a time as I had.  The next day after our date I saw Eleanor online and she asked me how things went with Susan.  I told her it was great and I thanked her for setting us up on the date and then I opened my big mouth and told her that she was right that Susan does swallow, I guess because I felt like I owed her something.

I called Susan the next day and she never answered her phone as I guess Eleanor must have told her what I said about her.  I realized that it was wrong and I accepted that I had ruined a good thing and that we would never be together again.  The lesson to be learned here is that if you had a good time with a girl, then keep your mouth shut and there is a good possibility that there will be more good times ahead.  You can get a dinner date even if you are not a gentleman, but if after it is over, you kiss and tell, that could ruin your chances at getting another date and you will end up having to eat your lunch all by yourself.

Written for FOWC with Fandango – Aptitude, for August Writing Prompts – Peachy kisses Delicate, for Sheryl’s A New Daily Post Word Prompt – Communication, for Ragtag Community – Cat, for Scotts Daily Prompt – Distant, for Swimmers the New Community Pool prompt – Love and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Harmony.

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