A Tom Brady Like President

Game after game, when Tom Brady suffers a loss, he will rush off the field without shaking hands with the opposing quarterback, or any of the other players, as he likes to head for the tunnel and get into the safety of the locker room, because he is a poor sport and a bad loser.  We have a sitting president of the United States that is acting like a poor sport.  The point is, there is nothing wrong with losing, as long as you can do it gracefully.

Written for Linda G. Hill Life in progress One-Liner Wednesday.

8 thoughts on “A Tom Brady Like President

    1. I could understand this type of behavior today with Covid going around, but Brady has always acted like a poor sport. He wants to win so badly, that he does not know how to loose and his behavior sets a bad example for kids that watch football and look up to him.

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  1. Wow. I never noticed that about Brady. I guess I’m not usually paying close enough attention to football details to see these things. Now, I understand why my son who was most involved in football (and many other sports) in his youth can’t stand Brady.

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