Monica and Veronica

I dated Monica who was smoking hot, but her younger sister Veronica had the potential to become a real beauty.  A few thousand years ago, the harmonica was invented in China, but around 1825, a European named Richter invented an instrument which has become the modern harmonica.  In the United States, the harmonica became very popular as a blues instrument.  In the 1930’s and early 1940’s John Lee “Sonny Boy” Williamson became well known for his harmonica skill.  After WWII, Chicago became a major center for blues, with great harmonica players like Rice Miller aka Sonny Boy Williamson II and Marion Walter Jacobs aka Little Walter.  Little Walter stretched the harmonica to its limits, making the instrument his own and many people consider him to be the greatest blues harmonica player ever.  Many Dylan songs have harmonica solos in them, but he got a squeaky sound out of his harmonica, because he would blow out of the harmonica when everybody else was sucking in.

One of the first things that I did when I took over being the host of Song Lyric Sunday was to issue a month of prompts in advance, so everyone had enough time to get a song ready.  I made some mistakes and probably the biggest one was suggesting songs that people could use to meet the prompts, which I took a lot of flack for because people said that finding the song was the most fun part of this song challenge.  I was told that it is all about the journey, not the destination!  Last week a participant told me that she could not find a song that had the “Acquire” in it, so I did a quick search on that that brought 12 artists that I was familiar with, who had songs with the word acquire in them, even though I did not know any of these sings.  I found Risky by Iggy Pop, Mountain Woman The Kinks, Flash’s Confession The Kinks, Easily Lead Robert Plant, American Science Duran Duran, Sparrow on the Schoolyard Wall Jethro Tull, Lament Jim Morrison, That’s the Way It Goes George Harrison, Prologue Frank Zappa, Rush The Pharcyde, The Seven Rays Todd Rundgren, Brianstorm Arctic Monkeys and My Bad Side Sir Mix-A-Lot.

I need to make a clarification between the prompt and the theme.  Most weeks I offer several prompt words and when these words are grouped together, they create a theme which relates to these prompt words.  People have become confused, thinking that they just need to meet the theme with their song and I guess that is why they are ignoring the prompts.  These rules were passed to me by Helen Vahdati and some of the participants may have been in this music challenge before I started blogging, but I don’t want this to change Song Lyric Sunday from its originally intended purpose.  All participants are asked to concentrate on the prompt words and try to use one of them in either the title or the lyrics (not the name of the group) and ignore the theme, as this is only used by me to tie the prompts together.  I hope this clears everything up for everyone.

Last week we had Getting Something and everyone was asked to find a song that fit with one of the accumulation related prompts of Acquire/Collect/Gather/Secure and we had great music but still some people missed the boat with the prompt.  This week we have something totally different where you are supposed to find a song with a harmonica in it and hopefully this will fit for everyone.  Take some time to read the posts of other bloggers who respond to this music challenge, as you will probably find many enjoyable songs and it is quite possibly that you will learn a thing or two.  Share your music with others and post a video, try do some research and let everyone know something about the song that you post.  Show the lyrics, let’s all listen to our favorite songs and explore some new music.  Try to find a song that fits the prompt, then write your post and create a pingback, or you can just place your link in the comments section.

Here are the “rules”:
• Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it fits the theme or not.  If it does not fit, then please explain why you chose this song.
• Please try to include the songwriter(s) – it’s a good idea to give credit where credit is due.
• Make sure you also credit the singer/band and if you desire you can provide a link to where you found the lyrics.
• Link to the YouTube video, or pull it into your post so others can listen to the song.
• Ping back to this post or place your link in the comments section below.
• Read at least one other person’s blog, so we can all share new and fantastic music and create amazing new blogging friends in the process.
• Feel free to suggest future prompts.
• Have fun and enjoy the music.

I am writing about the Elmore James song ‘It Hurts Me Too’ this week.  Next week I will be writing about the song ‘Walk In The Sunshine’ by the Grateful Dead.  The upcoming prompts will be:
August 16, 2020 – Clear/Dark/Light
August 23, 2020 – Above/Below/Between
August 30, 2020 – Cruel/Evil/Horrible/Monster/Wicked
September 6, 2020 – Musical/Opera

76 thoughts on “Monica and Veronica

  1. I think I have always understood the point of SLS Jim, you have explained it perfectly.
    This week’s prompt is a gem! Where to start , well I went back to the first 45′ I ever bought, to a loved memory and then through in a new talent. I made myself stop there as I would of still been adding now 24hrs later! Have a great day Jim 💜💜💜

    Liked by 3 people

    1. The last thing that I ever wanted to do on this challenge was complain, as nobody likes a whiner, but I was actually thinking about quitting and passing this on to someone else. I hope that your day goes well also Willow.

      Liked by 1 person

        1. I have prompts scheduled till November 8, 2020 but all of this bickering over the prompts has left a bad taste in my mouth. I know it is just a few bloggers that are being obstinate about this and I hope that they quit before I do. This used to be my favorite day of the week, but not any more.

          Liked by 1 person

          1. Honestly I can’t believe people could be unpleasant about something fun, I can’t say that I have looked but I was not aware of any bickering . I am sorry Jim you are doing such a great job. 💜

            Liked by 3 people

  2. In case anyone was wondering, I was the one who could not find a song with acquire. Albeit I did not conduct an exhaustive search. I was still reeling from the death of a coworker who has died by suicide earlier in the week.

    I participated when Helen hosted this challenge. She used a theme. In at least one instance we were to pick a song by an artist with our name. I for one find it very creative to use the prompt word in the name of the group. Helen would not have forbidden doing so.

    This rule – Post the lyrics to the song of your choice, whether it fits the theme or not. If it does not fit, then please explain why you chose this song allowed for flexibility. I remember Helen asking me not to apologize for skipping a week when I got stuck on a theme. She reminded me that one could ALWAYS go their own way. You see the original purpose was only to enjoy music and have fun. That’s it. Simple. And for me, being exposed to songs I may not have otherwise heard was the draw. That and finding duplicates or triplicates showing how music can be universally meaningful.

    Liked by 6 people

        1. When things go wrong and everyone starts ganging up against me, I know it is time to quit. Just like you don’t read all of my posts, I don’t read all of yours and I had no idea about the death of your coworker and I am sorry for your loss. It was fun while it lasted and there are only a few that don’t want to follow my rules, so maybe they should quit instead of me. I was only trying to be helpful when I found some possible songs for you.


          1. Maybe I missed it but I don’t see ganging up. Of course you didn’t know. No one can ever really know what’s going on in someone else’s life. You’re right about one thing they’re your rules and this is your challenge now. It’s a highlight of the week for many. I’m sorry you feel the need to quit. Like I said, that’d be a shame.


  3. I think I’ve got it right this week? 🙂
    From Black Sabbath’s self-titled debut album. A grear favourite of mine.

    Misty morning, clouds in the sky
    Without warning, the wizard walks by
    Casting his shadow, weaving his spell
    Funny clothes, tinkling bell

    Never talking
    Just keeps walking
    spreading his magic

    Evil power disappears
    Demons worry when the wizard is near
    He turns tears into joy
    Everyone’s happy when the wizard walks by

    Never talking
    Just keeps walking
    spreading his magic

    Sun is shining, clouds have gone by
    All the people give a happy sigh
    He has passed by, giving his sign
    Left all the people feeling so fine

    Never talking
    Just keeps walking
    spreading his magic

    copyright Black Sabbath
    source AZ lyrics

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Jim, you have done due diligence in making the rules easy to see and have clarified them over the last couple of weeks. The burden is off your shoulders now. It’s your blog, and it’s your weekly feature now. If someone doesn’t meet the parameters to your satisfaction, just take the post off. I can see you are getting worked up about it, and your even mentioning quitting as host makes me nervous. You are a WONDERFUL host, never doubt it, you bend over backwards for it. Please don’t quit, just delete the posts that don’t fit. I’ve seen it done on other pages with prompts. It’s a reasonable alternative to getting stressed out about it.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. It is my blog, but if you look at many of the participants, they identify me as the guest host even after I have taken over at the beginning of 2019. Maybe I just made a mountain out of a molehill, and although you think that I am wonderful, somebody else could take over and do just as good as me with alienating the readers.

      Liked by 1 person

    1. It is a tradition here on WordPress and Song Lyric Sunday has a lot of the same participants every week and I just don’t enjoy being the host anymore and that is why I will look for somebody else to take over.

      Liked by 1 person

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