Being the Character

When I was writing my second book, I had to become the characters in it, so I would know what they were going to say when various situations came up.  I was not sure what my book was going to be about when I was writing it and I didn’t have any well-defined roles for any of my characters, but all of them became parts of me.  Their personalities, motivations, and goals evolved as I was writing my book.  It became a log trip for me and although I had glimpses of the big picture, my characters kept on evolving as different things kept happening to them.  All of my characters were strong, smart and believable and they were defined by what they did and where they went.  I lived inside of the book that I wrote, mentally experiencing everything that my characters did.  My characters took on parts of my personality, as I became them and walked a mile in all of their shoes.

This book consumed me, like my other two books did, but this book was always in my dreams.  If something happened in my dreams that I thought would fit into my book, I would get up out of bed and write it down.  It was not a problem doing this for me, as I figured it was part of a nighttime bathroom trip and I was always able to get back to sleep again.  If I thought the idea was good, I would always get up out of bed and write it down, but if it was just an average idea, I might let it wait till the morning.  There were certain occasions where I woke up the next day and found that what I wrote during the night did not make much sense and it was not worth the effort, but some of my best ideas came from my dreams.

Written for Mindlovemisery’s Menagerie Dream Interpretation hosted by Cai where she asked us to share our techniques for remembering dreams.

25 thoughts on “Being the Character

  1. I’ve written down so many of my dreams I have several journals filled with them. Middle of the night writing is really good I think, while it’s fresh in your mind. 🙂

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  2. I can vividly recall about 10% of my dreams, usually those I’m having just before I wake up. But most of my dreams go up in smoke between the time I wake up and the time I get to the bathroom to pee about 20 seconds later.

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  3. A very few dreams I remember and some I think…I gotta remember this…and don’t. Maybe it would help to have something to write them down.

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  4. I’m sorry I’m late to the party. I didn’t check the right email for notifications.

    Those ideas came out of your subconsciousness as dreams. They are important.

    I know that feeling when we lose confidence in our work and discard them. The present and new thoughts often displace the old ideas.

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