Suggested By Melissa

1. Milieu
This is a type of mold or fungus.

2. Inviolable
A person that is unable to play the violin.

3. Dulcimer
Lucifer’s brother.

4. Condominium
A condom that is made for someone with a micro penis.

5. Sycophant
I am not sure what this means, but when I looked it up in the dictionary, I saw a picture of Trump.

6. Elegiacal
A magical elf.

7. Zhuzh
This is like haggis, but with extra onions.

8. Obstreperous
A person born without a belly button.

9. Symposium
Music made by possums.

10. Neophyte
Touched for the very first time.

Written for Di’s Fibbing Friday.

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