I See You

I just thought up a new invention which is an AI mirror that is not exactly a mirror.  I am going to pitch it to Amazon because it is similar to Alexa.  It is a camera that shows your face when you look into it and it can give you cosmetic tips for applying makeup or tell you when something seems out of place.  It will have different modes of programing dependent on what you select, so it could greet you honestly and tell you how you look, or it could be sarcastic and ask you if you got the number of the bus that just ran you over.  It will tell you if your hair is not combed, or if it thinks that you need a shower or a shave, or if you need to trim those hairs sticking out of your nose or ears.  It might greet you by saying, “What’s cooking, good looking” and then it could start playing the Joe Cocker singing ‘You Are So Beautiful’, but on another day it might tell you that you have the face only a mother could love.

It will have a USB port to allow you to upload information about yourself and it will keep track of when you got your last haircut and when you went to the dentist, so it might tell you that it is time for you to make another appointment, or it can make a recommendation about trying a teeth whitener.  I thought this could be really good for people that are blind, as it could tell them if they spilled food on their face or their clothes.  Right now, I am collecting ideas for what this invention could do, so if you have any suggestions, please feel free to add them.

14 thoughts on “I See You

  1. If you wore a bracelet it could tell you your pulse and temp… I was going to say blood pressure but that would take a little more.

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    1. Maybe in some future models down the road. On July 14, 2024, Song Lyric Sunday will be looking for a song that features a great bass line and I already picked mine out ‘Politician’ by Cream, but I usually write something in my hosting post, and I thought you might be able to tell me what it is like to play a bass.

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