Recipe For Disaster

With tears in his eyes, Jason turned around and began to walk away.  Debbie had just told Jason that she slept with his brother Jeff, but that was before she even knew Jason.  Jeff was married to Connie who was Debbie’s best friend and Connie wanted Jeff to have a threesome for his birthday, so she invited Debbie into their bed.  Connie asked Debbie to be the unicorn to spice up her marriage because she knew that Debbie would enjoy being with both of them in bed and that she wasn’t interested in a relationship or commitment.  Debbie agreed as long as she could be the one who was in charge of what went on and on the condition that she would set the boundaries during, and after the threesome, so no one would be uncomfortable with the situation.  Debbie said that at this time in her life she didn’t want to limit herself to just one partner and that since she had some bi-sexual tendencies, being the unicorn would give her the best of both worlds.

Debbie told Jason to come back, that there was no need for him to get therapy or start taking any antidepressants, because it was a one-time thing that happened years ago and that she would never do that again.  Debbie told Jason that he was enough of a man for her and that she had no intention of becoming a swinger and that she would be perfectly happy living a monogamous life with him.  Jason dried his eyes and said that they could never be together anymore, because if there was ever a family get together, that his a-hole brother would make sure to tell him how good Debbie was in bed.  Debbie said she knew Jason was an a-hole, but she had a solution that would shut his mouth forever.  Debbie said that Connie owed her big time and that she would be able to talk her into being their unicorn, if Jason didn’t mind venturing into some uncharted territory, as you never know what will happen in these things.  Debbie told Jason that he would have to take a risk, where things could end up being very awkward between them, or it could be liberating engaging in lots of fun sex.

Written for Fandango’s Story Starter #153.

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