Reblog Integrating New Beliefs

5.5 million Palestinians are living in the Gaza Strip and West Bank territories, and I don’t think that they will ever be ready to govern themselves.  Presently, most of the West Bank is administered by Israel, though 42% of it is under varying degrees of autonomous rule by the Fatah-run Palestinian Authority.  The Gaza Strip is currently under the control of Hamas.  Palestinians have recently started growing more critical of Hamas, which some of them blame for the months-long conflict that has destroyed the territory and cost them so many of their lives, but the majority of Palestinians in Gaza blame Israel for most of their suffering.  All of them want to see peace as soon as possible, having the bloodshed stop, so they can get on with their lives.  Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007 and used smuggling tunnels as key pipelines for the group’s arsenal of rockets, missiles, weapons, and ammunition.

During the 2023 Gaza war, the IDF published its intelligence about the Hamas military in the Gaza Strip.  They put the strength of the Qassam Brigades there at the start of the war at 30,000 fighters, organized by area in five brigades, consisting in total of 24 battalions and 140 companies.  Many Palestinians refuse to speak out against Hamas, fearing that they will win the war and stay in power and then retaliate on those who are seen as collaborators with the occupation.  Palestinian support for Hamas in the West Bank and Gaza remains high, because Hamas controls the information that gets into this territory and they punish everyone who disagrees with them.  As long as Hamas exists, I don’t think that the Palestinians are capable of ruling themselves.

The Jews are filled with hatred, and they want retribution for the October 7, 2023, Hamas attacks and even though they are supposed to be God’s chosen people, they harbor an eye for an eye and tooth for tooth mentality, which is not helping this situation.  The Jews missed out on the New Testament where Jesus taught people to turn the other cheek, but most people are reluctant to get slapped twice.  Something has to give for the sake of peace, and I do believe in a two-state solution, but the Palestinians must start standing up for themselves and stop protecting the terrorists.

Integrating New Beliefs


8 thoughts on “Reblog Integrating New Beliefs

  1. It is awfully hard to have hope for that part of the world. I think you’re right – the Palestinians have had reasonable leaders in the past but they didn’t last long. And what can you say to people who believe God has given them a place to live because they’re the chosen people? Nothing.

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  2. This is so complex because of the history…a major mistake was getting Hamas as a goverment as you said. They need a real government…I mean Arafat was awful…he had a map always behind him with no Israel. They teach their kids in school that Jews are evil.
    This could all end if Hamas would give it up. I don’t want anyone else to get killed… but Israel is thinking…if we don’t clear out Hamas for once and all…in two years this will happen again…. but it will happen again no matter what…it will never be peace there Jim. Jimmy Carter did the best of any president getting some peace in parts.
    It tells you something when Egypt or most other Arab countries doesn’t want to accept Palestinians in their countries.
    I hate…I mean hate wars…cause this is what happens…innocent people die…like WW1, WW2 and others.

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    1. Hamas is backed by Iran, and they will keep sending them supplies so they will always have more weapons to kill more Jews. The only way to get rid of Hamas is the get rid of Iran, which is not going to be easy, and the Palestinian people will keep on suffering.

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      1. There will never be complete peace there. When Iran had a earthquake a while back…Israel offered to help them get people out……Iran said no…that tells me a lot right there. They hate Jews more than they care about their own people. It’s a messed up situation.

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