My Baby Left Me

With a sudden rush of panic, I realized I had no idea where I was.  It’s 2 AM, and I’m feeling very lonely, because reality has turned its back on me, so I asked myself, “How did I get here?”  In order to know where I am, I first had to understand who I am.  I splashed some water on my face, reflecting on how humanity’s understanding of the physical world is full of gaps.  I knew that I lived in a world that was undergoing continuous and rapid evolution, but being completely lost, having no direction in my life can build character.  All forms of evolution, transformation and change require a process of self-discovery.  From instinct to intuition to intellect, part of being human is using multiple ways to gather and utilize information.  The last thing I remembered was the air bag that exploded in my face after my car went off a bridge.  I guess I must have lived through that ordeal, otherwise I wouldn’t be here, wherever that is.  When did that happen, was it days ago, weeks, months or years?  I looked into the mirror, and I realized that I hadn’t aged, although I had some stubble on my face, so it must not have been that long ago, unless someone was shaving me.  Some people are sleepwalkers, but I never heard of a sleep shaver.

I wondered if I would ever be able to put together the missing pieces of my life and maybe I didn’t need to do that, as life might be handing me a new opportunity to start over and maybe I should take what I am being offered.  It’s completely normal to have questions about your identity and purpose in life.  Many people go through periods of self-reflection and questioning and maybe I didn’t need to know why I drove my car off of that bridge.  Would I be able to let go of my need to understand who I am and just embrace life’s unpredictability?  I didn’t need to be confused scratching my head over something that happened in life, because sometimes things happen with no logical explanation and everything in life doesn’t have to make sense.  Everybody in the world except for me has someone who cares about them.  It all started to come back to me, and I remembered that my marriage failed when I lost my job and then I bought a gun and robbed a liquor store.  The cops were chasing me, when I drove off the bridge and now, here I am in Heartbreak Hotel at the end of Lonely Street.  I am still madly in love with my wife, but she will never have me back again after she finds out who I have become.  I left a note on the table hoping this could help someone in the future and then I jumped out the window to my death.

Written for Fandango’s Story Starter #147.

14 thoughts on “My Baby Left Me

    1. Every story should come to an end and surviving the crash off the bridge cost the guy a temporary loss of memory, but when he realized that he was rotten to the core, he decided that enough was enough. Thanks for the great starter sentence to get me thinking.

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