Attached To Love

We are in the middle of love bug season here in Central Florida and they are particularly bad this year.  While annoying, love bugs are actually beneficial as larvae, because they help to decompose dead plant material.  They get stuck together when they mate and because they are addicted to love, so they mate frequently.  The males hatch first and they swarm feverishly, waiting for the females to arrive and when a female finally selects a mate, they’re usually hitched for life.  The males stay attached to prevent another male from coming in and fertilizing the female.  When a lucky male unites with a female, their abdomens will stay attached for up to 2 days, although mating only lasts about 12 hours.  The male then dies and is dragged around by the female.  The corpse of the male is detached so the female is able to lay her eggs.

Written for Linda G. Hill Life in progress One-Liner Wednesday – May 8 prompt.

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