Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater

Someone in a relationship who had sex with another person is 3.7 times more likely to cheat again.  Even among married couples, cheating is relatively common with about 22% of men and 13% of women cheating.  Cheating is so widespread that one-quarter to one-fifth of married people will openly admit to having engaged in sexual infidelity at some point.  Men are more likely to forgive a spouse for a dalliance.  If a couple makes it through the seven year itch phase of marriage, the odds of a woman cheating fall off significantly, although men are more likely to stray around year 18.  Not only are cheaters more likely to cheat again, but those who were cheated on are more likely to be cheated on again.

Infidelity even occurs in Nursery Rhymes, as Peter is not able to restrain his wife from having sex with multiple male partners, so he decides to kill her.  After killing his wife, Peter decides to hide her body in a large pumpkin.  The moral story behind the story focuses on educating women of the essence of demonstrating faithfulness to their husbands.  Peter, Peter, pumpkin-eater, Had a wife and couldn’t keep her; He put her in a pumpkin shell, And there he kept her very well. Peter, Peter pumpkin eater, Had another and didn’t love her; Peter learned to read and spell, And then he loved her very well.  Peter carved out this giant pumpkin, and since his wife wasn’t around to cook for him anymore, because of her extra-marital activities, he had a lot of pumpkin to eat.  A better solution might have been for Peter to devise some type of chastity belt for his disloyal wife, then he wouldn’t have to have eaten all of that pumpkin.

Written for Linda G. Hill Life in progress One-Liner Wednesday – March 20 prompt.

14 thoughts on “Once A Cheater, Always A Cheater

  1. Where did you get those stats on the cheaters? 13-22% is not “widespread,” but I think it is more prevalent than that. The song to me sounds more like his illiteracy drove them apart so he learned to read. Peter was a gentle soul not a murderer. How’s that for being Mary Mary quite contrary?

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    1. I am not sure where the statistics came from or what type of researcher would even want to study this. The song has two verses as peter was married twice. In the first verse he kills his first wife and in the second verse, he learns how to read. When I was Baptized, I became James Peter Adams, but when I found my certificate it only said James Adams. At Confirmation you can take another name and I took Peter and after that I found another copy of my Baptism certificate that said James Peter, so I am actually James Peter Peter.

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        1. I do enjoy eating pumpkin pie when it is served with vanilla ice cream and I also like baked pumpkin seeds. Fortunately I have never caused the death of anyone. I thought I explained why his first wife was killed in my post, but I guess it was because he lost control over his woman. In the poem, the phrase “keep her” could mean that he was unable to “provide for” her using his available resources, but when his wife is enclosed inside a pumpkin shell that could imply something more sinister, like a way of disposing of her corpse. I also found a third verse to this poem which has not caught on yet, but I think that you might like it.
          Peter, Peter pumpkin eater,
          Had a wife and wished to keep her.
          Treated her with fair respect,
          She stayed with him and hugged his neck!

          Liked by 1 person

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