Contacting The Dead

The above image was used as inspiration to create this post.

The séance where our medium will attempt to make contact with your dead loved ones is straight ahead. You must leave now, if you do not believe in the possibility of communicating with the dead, as your belief is necessary for this to work.  The experiences that we share together may be intense, so this is not for the faint of heart.  We will all sit around an oval table, where several candle will be lit and food (usually fruit, bread and some type of soup) will be present.  Both the candles and food are believed to attract spirits who are looking for a warm place and sustenance.

Madam Lugosi will be in charge, as she has conducted many séances and she has psychic abilities.  She will tell you exactly what to do and when to do it.  Once the candles are lit, all the lights will be dimmed to eliminate any distractions, hand over all of your cell phones to me now, as you will not need them when you get inside.  You may take any seat and when Madam Lugosi arrives she will ask everyone to join hands. Every participant must speak these words together in order to summon the spirits, “Our beloved [name of spirit], we bring you gifts from life into death.  Commune with us, (name of spirit), and move among us.”

You should wait patiently for a response.  If none comes, repeat the chant until the spirit responds.  If and when the spirit responds via some means determined by Madam Lugosi, or through her, then ask your questions.  Try to keep it simple at first and ask only yes or no questions, till the spirit warms up to the group.  This might be one rap for a yes response, or two raps for no.  If a spirit chooses to speak through the medium, you may ask it any kind of question.  Sometimes a spirit may be upset and then the séance will get out of hand, Madam Lugosi will know when this is happening and she will end the séance by breaking the circle of hands, extinguishing the candles and turning on the lights.  When you’re done with your questioning, make sure that you thank the spirit for joining you and tell them to go in peace before you break the circle of hands and extinguish the candles.

Billy said, “Give me my cell phone back now, as I don’t believe in any of this shit.”

Written for Sue Vincent’s September 14, 2017 Thursday photo prompt – Scattered 

9 thoughts on “Contacting The Dead

    1. You may be on to something, but my research just told me that there is already a series of paranormal phone apps that can be used to help tech-savvy ghost hunters detect other-worldly presences without the need for costly equipment. Great idea, but it looks like somebody already beat you to the punch. However this would make a nice post.

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