Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls

Rose looked at Jack’s drawings, the ones when he spent a lot of time in France drawing naked prostitutes and she asked Jack to draw her naked.  Jack asked Rose if she was sure she wanted this and he wanted to know why this interested her.  Rose said that she would share the intimate sketch with her close friends or partner.  Rose said that her whole life she had been conditioned to feel shame for her body and she was tired of that and now she wanted to take off all of her clothes and feel powerful instead of being embarrassed.  Jack sketched Rose in a sensual and alluring manner, similar to what he learned in his French art classes depicting her as a beautiful cat.  Rose got over her vulnerability and insecurity and this liberating portrait made Rose feel exhilarated, while also inspiring intimacy and romance between them.  The portrait helped Rose to overcome body-image issues and feel more comfortable and confident in her fur.

Written for Melissa’s Flash Fiction Challenge #262.

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