Life Changing

Rashid never wanted children until he had them.  His girlfriend Malika told him that she was pregnant, so Rashid did the right thing and asked her to marry him.  Rashid never has a reason to be suspicious of his girlfriend’s intentions, as one of the first things that she told him was that she would not tolerate him cheating on her.  He felt a sense of responsibility towards the unborn child, and he realized that he had a duty to provide support and stability for the child which he knew was his.  Every man reacts differently when hearing this news, as some are shocked, some are scared, some are angry, and others are surprisingly happy.  When his first son Hamid was born, he knew for sure that it was his child, because he could see a remarkable resemblance of himself when he looked at his child’s eyes.  His second son Omar followed two years later and Rashid’s love for his two sons knew no limits, as he selflessly dedicated his life to ensuring their happiness and success.  Since becoming a dad, his whole life has changed for the better, as Rashid has become more caring and more considerate for other people.  These two bundles of joy have taught him unconditional love and patience, and this has put a whole new perspective on his life.  Rashid really loves being a dad.

Written for Sadje at Keep It Alive What Do You See #223.

17 thoughts on “Life Changing

  1. Good nice story…I was scared to death…we were married but that didn’t make a difference. three months after we were married we found out. 9 months after we were married Bailey came along.

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