First Bat Signal

Gotham City is heavily industrialized, and it is constantly pumping tons of smoke into the air.  This makes the skies gray during the day, and the night the sky becomes totally black.  This is why the Bat signal works so well when calling Gotham’s caped crusader, the dark knight to help keep order in the city by assisting police to enforce the law.  The Bat signal shines on the face of the industrial clouds in order to contact Batman when his help is needed.  The Bat Signal didn’t start out as a searchlight with the Batman insignia on top of it, as the first design was a simple candle placed on the windowsill outside of Jim Gorden’s apartment who is the police commissioner of Gotham City.  As the years went by, the Bat Signal eventually took on its iconic appearance and Gordon had it moved to the roof of GCPD when he was put in charge of it.  The Bat Signal was actually just a last resort method of communicating with Batman, as a network of three red phones were how Batman was mostly contacted, with one located in Bruce Wayne’s study, another in the Batcave, and Commissioner Gordon’s office had the other phone.  I wonder why Batman who seemed to have every gadget imaginable never got a cellphone.

Written for Reena’s Xploration Challenge #306 where today she gave us a photo prompt.

28 thoughts on “First Bat Signal

    1. Thanks, Nancy. I know that there have been at least a dozen different actors that played Batman and Adam West and Michael Keaton may be the best, but some of my favorites are Ben Affleck, Val Kilmer, George Clooney and Christian Bale.

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