Robotic Doppelganger Replicas

The shapeshifting Skrulls infiltrated Earth posing as key figures all over the world in order to gain critical information and maintain control of our planet.  Eventually they were defeated and the last three were rounded up and taken apart and put on display as an example for others to see what happens when you are caught impersonating others.  When these last three Skrulls were captured, they quoted Oscar Wilde saying, “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery”, but nobody fell for that, as here on Earth we have copyright laws for everything.  Their willful copyright infringement resulted in imprisonment of their bodies for 100 years and their heads and hands were being exhibited and exposed to the public for humiliation.  In order to get the nourishment that they needed, they were required to write, “I will np longer try impersonate another Earthling, or chew gum in class” 1,000 times every day.

Written for Fandango’s Flash Fiction Challenge #225.

17 thoughts on “Robotic Doppelganger Replicas

    1. It is a little bit kookie, but considering the picture, I guess that is what was expected. When I acted badly in class, I used to have to write out punishments on the blackboard and the picture reminded me of that.

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