Fog On The Lake

Everyone takes a different path in life and even though random shit may happen, everyone has their own place in the universe.  Here in the Milky Way, planets and stars are born and they die just like people come and go, you are here today and you will be gone tomorrow.  It is what it is and life is meant for us to enjoy, not to brood over.  You must accept that bad things will happen to anyone who lives long enough and realize that pain cannot be cut away with a little snip.  Life is what you make out of it and there is no such thing as an inherently difficult life transition.  There are no guarantees, it is a crap shoot, you can’t just sit idly by, you must get involved and take a chance.  As a sapient being, you need to be aware and use your insight to make judgments.  Get an education, learn as much as you can and if it feels good, then do it.

Wake up and smell the coffee, get out and do things and make some friends.  You don’t have to remain always in a crowd, but you shouldn’t miss out on what is really happening because you are too busy being alone with yourself.  Stop chasing after that elusive white whale, go after a herring instead, as you may find that to be more satisfying.  Move your feet, do a crazy dance like the Freak, the Boogie-Woogie or the Bop, while you drink from your pop top can.  If the lid don’t come off, you can always use a pliers.  Take a walk down to the lake, or go to see the wizard in Emerald City, but stick to the path and always try to make the most out of your life.

Written for Sheryl’s Daily Word Prompt – Snip, for Roger Shipp’s Daily Addictions prompt – Chance, for Mathew’s Daily Inkling prompt – Pop Top, for the Daily Spur prompt – Education, for FOWC with Fandango – Random, for August Monthly Writing Prompts – Always in a crowd, for Nova’s Daily Random Word prompt – Sapient, for Ragtag Community – Transition, for Paula’s Three Things Challenge prompt words – Emerald Herring Pliers, for Sue Vincent’s Thursday Photo Prompt – Path and for Word of the Day Challenge Prompt – Brood.

24 thoughts on “Fog On The Lake

    1. Thanks Christine. For this post, I made a list of all the prompts and I did a simple analysis of them, before I came up with a topic for my post. I tried to clarify things without making an in-depth argument and then I just let the story tell itself, knocking off the prompts one by one. My story ended up being about life with the philosophy that it should be enjoyed, which is actually simple stuff and I didn’t have to say anything all that profound.

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