Child Abandonment

The typed note said, “I am a victim of incestuous rape and I am not fit to be a mother. I named her Tuesday, because that is when she was born, but who ever finds her can rename her whatever they want.”  Eric being the genius that he was, realized that the baby was only two days old, because today was Thursday, or possibly it was a week and two days old, but he really had no idea and it could have been a few months old and two days.  Eric felt that this was better than getting bit by a rattle snake, or for that matter getting hit by a javelin, but Eric knew that he did not want this baby and he would have to figure out something to do with it, so he could get on with his busy life.  It was kind of a cute baby and he always liked that song Tuesday Afternoon.  Eric wondered how any mother could not feel any emotional attachment for their own baby and that is when he crouched down to pick the baby up.  As he grabbed the baby, he heard a voice say, “No stupid, you have give her proper support because she is still developing, so put your hands under the baby’s head.” Eric looked around and saw…

I need to select someone to continue this story, so take it away Reena Saxena.

Written for finish the story, started by Wordsmith, picked up by Paula Light and then by Fandango.

25 thoughts on “Child Abandonment

    1. No hurry, take as much time as you need. You will be writing part 5 of this story as it was started by Wordsmith, picked up by Paula Light and then by Fandango and I did part four. It would probably be a good idea to read what each of them wrote before you get started.

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